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Apply for Certification

We appreciate your interest in Louisville Metro Government’s Minority owned, Women owned, Disabled owned, and LGBT owned Business Enterprise Certification Program. In accordance with LMCO §37.66; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 31-2020, the Louisville and Jefferson County Human Relations Commission, shall develop and implement an eligibility process to identify and certify Minority, Women, Disabled, and LGBT business enterprises.

The objective of this Certification Program is to promote inclusiveness of Minority, Women, Disabled, and LGBT owned businesses within Louisville Metro Government’s procurement process and to facilitate the equitable awarding of contracts to such enterprises. There is no fee for this service and once certified, your business may benefit in the following ways:

Certification allows contractors to identify, Minority owned, Women owned, Disabled owned, and LGBT owned businesses, for utilization as subcontractors and suppliers. If you require technical assistance while completing the application, please use our online support form. If you have any questions about the application process or need help completing the form please contact HRC at 502-574-3631 or at HRC@LouisvilleKY.gov.

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My firm is not currently certified with Louisville and I don't have an account.
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Renew or Update Your Certification

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After logging in to your account, you will be directed to the application form. You can also click the Apply for Certification link on the right side of the "Dashboard."

If you require technical assistance while completing the application, please use our online support form.

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To clear this issue and get you on your way, it will be necessary to (1) log-off, (2) log back in, and (3) return to this process. In some cases, it may be necessary to completely close this Internet browser and other related windows after you logoff to fully clear the setting.
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